
Our Savior Lutheran Church

2223 Sheridan Rd

Pekin IL 61554

Please feel free to join us for worship or bible study:

Sunday Worship Service 9:00 a.m.

Link for live-streams of worship services  – https://www.youtube.com/@oursaviorlutheranpekin1287/streams

Sunday Church School 10:15 a.m.

Thursday Bible Study 10:00 a.m. to 11;30 a.m.

Our Savior Lutheran Church in Pekin, IL is a congregation of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – ELCA.org

Our synod is the Central/Southern Illinois Synod


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The Mission of Our Savior Lutheran Church

We GATHER in Christian fellowship for spiritual renewal and inspiration through prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. We GROW from learning about Jesus Christ, seeking to make disciples of all of God’s people through creative worship, enriched education, and inspired participation. We GO to serve the spiritual , physical, and emotional needs of others by reaching out to our families, neighbors, and community with actions that show the love of Christ.

Our Savior Lutheran – Pekin has been given the nickname “Hope on the Hill” by Pastor Barnes.

What is Hope On The Hill?

H ospitality

O utreach

P roclamation

E ducation

H elping

I ndividuals

L ive in

L ove